Dear Parents and Carers,
As you know, the well-being of children in our care and their families is paramount to us; this is a ground for the constant adjustments and changes in our practice. We are aware of the increasing number of positive cases for Covid-19, which is the reason why the decision was previously made to collect children from parents at the front gate. However, we have reviewed our day-to-day operation and have seen the need for adjustment of drop-off and dismissal of children.
From 24th January, children can be drop off and pick up from their classroom door in the morning, at lunch time and in the evening. As children have their lunch between 12pm and 1pm and their tea between 4pm and 5pm, we would recommend that parents give us a ring if collecting their child/children within the above meals time in order to get children ready for them. This will reduce the waiting time and crowd at their classroom door.
While dropping or picking up your child/children, please DO NOT ENTER CLASSROOMS. If your child/children need assistance with hanging up their coats or bags on their pegs, a member of staff will be available to help. Face covering to be worn while dropping or picking up children. Please be considerate, keep feedback short and do not block the entrance to other parents. Information and concerns can be shared with staff over the phone throughout the day at your own convenience.
If your child cannot attend nursery please inform to us why they are not attending.
Thank you for your constant support during this time.
Dates to remember
14th April 2022 - Inset Day – Nursery closed to all children
1st September 2022 - Inset Day – Nursery closed to all children
22nd December 2022 - Inset Day – Nursery closed to all children
We had a Breakfast club at Leys Primary School, Dagenham runs every morning from 7:30am to 8:50am. The cost of breakfast club is £3 per day. Please contact us to book your child's place.
Thank you for your continued support and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Blandine Tamtchap
Nursery Manager