Dear Parents and Carers,
Activities for the month of February 2022 for Ducklings:
We are celebrating "Chinese New Year " by mixing colour red in noodles, making Chinese lanterns and also we are displaying Chinese costume, food and dragon picture.
And in the 2nd week we are making valentine cards with children using red colour paint making wreaths of red hearts.
Making Play dough by using seasonal herbs to explore different texture and smell to support hand and eye co-ordination which help us in fine motor skills as well as building up with their concentration span.
Playing with wet sand using cups and spoons to fill in and empty as well as making different shapes.
Heuristic play to explore different textures and creating sounds using silver foil and boxes.
Week 1 Learning -- Ducklings :

Request to Parents - Safeguarding Premises:
A reminder for all the parents who keep forgetting to close the door/gate behind themselves. It is very important to get use to this practice as it is a matter of safeguarding of the children in the nursery.
We had a Breakfast club at Leys Primary School, Dagenham runs every morning from 7:30am to 8:50am. The cost of breakfast club is £3 per day. Please contact us to book your child's place.
Thank you for your continued support and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Blandine Tamtchap
Nursery Manager